Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Political Aspects of Wireless Electricity Essay Example for Free
Political Aspects of Wireless Electricity Essay Its an obvious fact that legislative issues assumes a major job with regards to the presentation of the remote power. A few gatherings are for it, as it can take into account somewhat greener methods of driving gadgets, new openings, and simpler access. In any case, others are against it, considering the to be as a danger to old methods of getting things done, just as a route for individuals to get to power for nothing. Despite the fact that remote transmissions and the possibility of remote power have existed for a long while, the genuine chance of making usable, available remote power is a few seconds ago beginning to turn into a reality. With remote power approaching not too far off, an ever increasing number of government officials, regular citizens, and organizations are starting to remain behind the thought; however that has not generally been the situation. Legislative issues initially started working their way into remote power in 1905, when J. P. Morgan pulled the entirety of his financing from Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower venture when he wrongly started to accept that it could prompt free power for all (Haliburton, 2006). It is that equivalent kind of reasoning that has assisted with keeping remote power out of the standard for such a long time. In any case, data and general information about remote power has made significant progress, and that sort of reasoning is rapidly vanishing. With the ongoing flood of natural and monetary mindfulness, individuals are rapidly starting to float towards the possibility of remote power. Indeed, even force organizations are getting behind the thought, seeing an approach to extend their business. Despite the fact that the possibility of remote power has recently started to reappear, it will immediately turn into a hot political point, similarly as different types of elective vitality have. The inquiry is this: Will the overall population and government officials keep on floating towards this new idea? Furthermore, on the off chance that they do, to what extent will it be until remote power turns into the standard?
Saturday, August 22, 2020
buy custom The External Auditors essay
purchase custom The External Auditors article An outside evaluator is an expert who performs money related review of the budgetary condition of the organization. The outer inspector is autonomous from the organization of which the person is playing out the review. What is the year-end? This is the finish of each money related or bookkeeping year. It doesn't make a difference what season since it tends to be in February or July. How is income perceived? Income is acknowledged after the count of the considerable number of products or administrations sold by the organization at the year end. How is stock esteemed? The stock is esteemed dependent on the expenses of the merchandise and the price tag of the stock in the market. How is property and hardware amortized? Amortization of the property and hardware is done dependent on the enhancements made to the benefits and the market cost of the advantages. Moreover, the helpful estimation of the item is additionally calculted. What is the estimation of aggregated amortization? 70.8 million dollars What is Jean Coutus approved offer capital? 118,916,582 class An offers 117,385,000 class B shares What number of regular offers are given? 229,792,498 normal offers What is the complete dollar estimation of the regular offers? 2.51 dollars per share What is the essential profit per share? 614,400,000/118,916,582= 5.17 dollars per share What amount of money was given or utilized in working exercises? 2,321,700,000 dollars What was the estimation of property and hardware bought? 564,400,000-528,400,000=36,000,000 What Canadian organization is Jean Coutus principle contender? Customers Drug Mart What is Jean Coutus latest market cost per share? 0.77 dollarsWhat are Jean Coutus latest value income? 0.77 dollarsWhat are the accompanying qualities in 2011 for Jean Coutu; (a) Current proportion 380,700,000/255300000=1.5 (b) Asset turnover 2,597,800,000/1045400000=2.48 (c) Interest inclusion 100.15 (d) Return on normal investors value 33.19 (e) Return on resources (180,200,000+100000)/1045400000=0.27 (f) Profit edge For the proportions to some extent C over (a-f) what are the business esteems? How do Jean Coutus proportions contrast with the business? a) Current proportion b) Asset turnover c) Interest inclusion d) Return on normal investors value e) Return on resources f) Profit edge When contrasted with the other business, Jean Coutu's proportion is performing better. It has great estimating techniques. Purchase custom The External Auditors article
Saturday, August 8, 2020
How Do I Get Over My Fear of Public Speaking
How Do I Get Over My Fear of Public Speaking Social Anxiety Disorder Coping Print How Do I Get Over My Fear of Public Speaking? By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Updated on October 13, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Dave and Les Jacobs/Blend Images/Getty Images Do you have a fear of public speaking? If so, exposure therapy is one avenue for gradually becoming used to public speaking and overcoming anxiety. Public Speaking Exposure Therapy Although exposure therapy is generally conducted by a therapist in the context of treatment such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), you can also practice exposures on your own as part of a self-help program. The premise behind exposure therapy is that you need to be exposed gradually to the situations that you fear in order to desensitize yourself and reduce anxiety. Standing up today in front of a huge auditorium and giving a speech would not be an example of exposure therapy. Instead, you would take small steps and accomplish small goals that give you confidence and build your strength to handle more difficult situations. Avoidance Behaviors When practicing exposures, it is important not to engage in what are known as partial avoidance strategies. For example, giving a speech but reading directly from your notes and never looking at the audience. Instead, you need to do everything that makes you afraid and nervous; but do it gradually as you become less anxious. One way to practice exposures is to do them in imagined scenarios before tackling the real thing. Doing exposures in real life is called in vivo, which you can build up to when you are ready. Fear Hierarchy Below is a sample hierarchy list of situations that you could progress through as part of your exposure training. Everyone will fear different types of scenarios so it is important to tailor the list to what makes the most sense for you. Remember that you want to start with the situation that causes the least fear and anxiety, and gradually work up to the most difficult scenario. Sample Hierarchy List Read a newspaper passage in front of a friend. Choose a passage that you think will interest a friend or family member and ask if you can read it out loud.Attend a lecture and ask a question. Scan the newspaper for upcoming seminars or lectures and attend one that interests you. Make sure to ask at least one question of the person giving the talk.Ask a question or make a comment during a work meeting. Instead of staying quiet, make a comment or ask a question. This is a great chance to prepare ahead of time so that you can develop confidence and overcome anxiety.Make a toast at a party. If you attend a dinner party, instead of letting the more outgoing guests monopolize the toast process, offer to do it yourself.Offer to present at a book club meeting. Join a book club, and when it comes time for someone to speak about a particular book, offer to do the talking.Give a talk at a school for career day. Offer to go to your son or daughters school for career day and talk about what you d o for a living.Take a class to give a presentation. Find a class that you can take that will require you to do an oral presentation.Take a drama class. Many shy actors took drama courses as a bid to overcome social anxiety. You can do the same and also use the experience as a stepping stone on your fear hierarchy.Take a public speaking course. Enroll in a course specifically about public speaking. Join Toastmasters. Toastmasters is a group designed to help build your public speaking confidence and overcome fears. The purpose of the fear hierarchy is to gradually expose you to feared situations. In order for exposure therapy to work, you must stay in the situations long enough that your anxiety decreases and you become desensitized to the triggering scenario. If you find that a situation is still problematic, stay with it until your anxiety is reduced before moving on to the next one. If your social anxiety, in general, is severe and self-help strategies are not sufficient to reduce your fear, consider contacting a mental health professional or your doctor for a referral. There are effective treatments for SAD, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication, that can make a difference in your life.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Sexuality Of Social Stigma - 770 Words
One young man from Michigan states that, â€Å"My stepfather caught me watching the show once, and treated me like I was mentally ill (thankfully, he s mentioned it to no one else)†¦ I m still afraid of social stigma for being public about my appreciation for the show.†Bussey and Bandura would suggest that this is a standard practice for fathers reacting more negatively to their son’s gender infractions. For many people, it is hard to see men occupy a feminized space and still see them as masculine. After discovering the Brony fandom, many people have questions regarding the sexuality of the fandom such as the following Yahoo Answers post from a concerned parent of a fan: Well I just created my account, so I can ask this. Yesterday I came home from work early, and I walked up to my 15 year old sons [sic] room. When I opened it, I saw him with headphones watching My little pony. He didn t notice me, so I just acted like nothing happened. Could he be gay, or just likes the show? Update: Please explain what a brony is. Are they a gay group of men? Or sonthing [sic] else? Learning that his adolescent son is watching a cartoon about ponies, this parent draws the conclusion that his child is gay. His assumptions demonstrate how members of society regard masculine space because enjoying ponies relegates young men into an effeminate position. Thankfully, there are number of people who answer his question by explaining the fandom to him. Questions of sexuality are the largestShow MoreRelatedGeorge Chauncey s Gay New York Essay1512 Words  | 7 Pagesdominant heterosexual culture often misinterprets the heterosexual subculture. He also talks about the assumptions the dominant culture carries about sexuality and culture. I believe there are two reasons the dominant culture misinterprets and make assumptions about the homosexual community; these two reasons consist of religious beliefs and social stigma of the dominant culture towards the subculture. In various religions across the world, homosexuality has been denounced clearly through script. InRead MoreThe Toughest Indian in the World is in the Closet1354 Words  | 6 Pageswhere he encounters his first homosexual experience with a hitch-hiking Lummi Indian male fighter. Through this story, Alexie is able to express the attitudes of sexuality in America’s society. Today, there is a sense of acceptance of overt sexuality, where one is able browse the television or Internet and discovers that all types of sexuality are all around us. From billboard ads, television commercials to the MTV Music awards, there is no denying that it is amongst us. Miley Cyrus performed a veryRead MoreMedia And Its Influenceon Relationships . Summary Of Proposal1422 Words  | 6 Pages Summary of Proposal The correlation between the use of social media and the stigma around the â€Å"hookup†culture among young adults will be exlplored in this study. 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It took a long time, but nearly all medical organizations now agree thatRead MoreIntersex Narratives1493 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Intersex Narratives: A Critical Analysis of the Social Construction of Sexuality Victoria Fulton 06322084 GNDS 215 TA: Aarzoo Singh October 15th, 2013 A binary model of sex is a seemingly universal truism for many, despite â€Å"human and animal biology calling this distinction into question†(Karkazis 2008:31). This example and belief of two distinct sexes is a concept that is quite obvious and natural to most individualsRead MoreLaura J. Mcgough’S Gender, Sexuality, And Syphilis In Early1436 Words  | 6 PagesLaura J. McGough’s Gender, Sexuality, and Syphilis in Early Modern Venice opens immediately in the dawn of the 16th century, when France invaded Italy. This invasion brought diseases previously foreign to the area that immediately became linked to the French and the destruction of Italian institutions. McGough quickly defines the illness she will examine, which is not necessarily Syphilis as indicated in title. The disease is a more broadly encompassing ‘French disease’ and while frequently consideredRead MoreThe Struggles And Needs Elderly Lgbt Individuals Face And Its Effect On Their A ging Process1334 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Elderly lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LBGT) individuals face many issues that others do not. Not only do they face discrimination due to their sexuality, but also due to their age and/or gender. The intersectionality of sexuality, age, and/or gender can cause many physical, mental, and emotional health issues which require social work intervention. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the struggles and needs elderly LGBT individuals face and its effect on their aging process. ThisRead MoreA Small Gathering Of Bones By Patricia Powell922 Words  | 4 Pageslocal community. The character that we are first introduced at the beginning of the novel is named Ian, who is portrayed to have the symptoms of what will soon be known as HIV. Unlike Dale, Ian is very flamboyant and seems to be more assured in his sexuality. However, Ian’s mother disapproves of his homosexual lifestyle and shuns him. He does not let this discourage him. He tries to gain his mother’s love through random acts of kindness, sadly to no avail. One afternoon Dale decides to inform Ian’s motherRead MoreStigma, Facts And Solutions : Raising Same Sex Families1346 Words  | 6 PagesPSCC Report Stigma, Facts and Solutions: Raising Same-sex families. Stigma Social stigma against homosexuals is a common experience for those raising children in same-sex families. Although gay rights have improved and a generally more inclusive environment is present there are still many who treat homosexuals as mentally ill deviants (McCabe, 2012). Even with gay right improvements there is still debate surrounding bringing children into these environments. Current discourses assume that same-sexRead MoreA Brief Note On Breaking The Barriers Of Stigma1722 Words  | 7 PagesDisability: Breaking the Barriers of Stigma Literature Review The purpose of this review is to examine the existing literature around stigmatization and more specifically the stigmatization of those with physical disabilities and how this effects their social interactions. Suggestions for eliminating stigma will also be considered. The literature revealed common instances of stigmatization and common misconceptions that those with physical disabilities experience. Those with physical disabilities
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Approaches Of Psychology And Psychology - 1465 Words
Approaches of psychology essay Fray Brittany Mr. Perez Psych Pd.7 11 Sept. 2015 Word Count: 1,449 Psychology is a very complex thing to understand to make it easier it is split up. There are different ways to interpret the big picture in psychology it makes senses for people to do so. There are five approaches to psychology and they are Cognitive, Behavioral, Biological, Humanistic, and Psychodynamic. All of these approaches are different from one another but can sometimes be used together to get a better understanding. â€Å"Behaviorist Approach emphasis the role of environmental stimuli in determining the way we act. In large measure, this means focusing on learning- changes in behavior which occur as the result of experience (Glassman, Hadad 100). Everything we know about behaviorism is through observation and experimentation, it doesn’t concern itself with internal thoughts such thinking or emotions they also believe that people have no free will. Our surrounding and environment are the components that determine our behavior. It is believed that when we are born our minds are â€Å"Tabula Rasa†or blank slate waiting to learn from our environment. It is believed all our behavior is developed through conditioning. For example, Ivan Pavlov a Russian physiologist conducted an experiment where he rang a bell and immediately gave a dog food causing the dog to salivate before it was given the food. When he rang the bell and there wasn’t any food the dog would still have the sameS how MoreRelatedContemporary Approaches to Psychology768 Words  | 4 PagesContemporary Approaches to Psychology The Latin prefix â€Å"psych†is translated into â€Å"mind or soul†. The suffix â€Å"ology†means the â€Å"study of†. Therefore, the study of behavior and mental processes is known as psychology. This field of study deals with animal and human behavior to the environment to which they are exposed. The purpose of psychologists studying the behavior of their â€Å"subjects†, or the people or animals being observed or tested, is to find four main things. These goals are to describeRead MoreThe Theoretical Approaches Of Psychology1651 Words  | 7 PagesPsychology is the scientific â€Å"study of the mind†(Gross, 2015) and behaviour, which includes the study of humans and animals. There are various approaches in modern psychology. A theoretical approach is a perspective which is someone’s view about human behaviour, there can be many different theories within an approach, however they all piece together the same assumptions. (McLeod, 2007). A theory is an attempt by theorists to try to explain behaviour. Theories are not facts but can be verified byRead MoreThe Psychological Approaches Of Psychology885 Words  | 4 PagesThere are different psychological approaches in psychology. I mentioned these in great detail in my previous assignment; I will now di scuss the different psychological approaches to health practice. The psychological approaches are; Behaviourist, Psychodynamic, Humanistic. The behaviourist theory is all about teaching behaviour whether it is appropriate of not when you can see the changes in behaviour is when you know it has worked. The behavioural learning technique is the result of conditioningRead MorePsychology And Christianity : Integrative Approaches Essay1694 Words  | 7 Pages A 4MAT Review of Entwistle’s Text: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Stacy H. McConville Liberty University Online A 4MAT Review of Entwistle’s Text: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Summary David N. Entwistle in his book titled Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity: An Introduction to Worldview Issues, Philosophical Foundations, and ModelsRead MoreThe Contribution of Different Approaches to Psychology for the Development of Modern Psychology1147 Words  | 5 Pages Psychology is a vast field which consists of theories and approaches where it involves certain assumptions on human behavior. How they function and the aspects of the behavior that needs to be studied, in addition to the research methods that are needed to be followed in order to understand it thoroughly. These approaches provide characteristic viewpoints and emphasize different factors. These approaches have contributed towards the development of modern psychology in various ways. Read MoreIntegrative Approaches Of Psychology And Christianity1495 Words  | 6 Pages Summary â€Å"Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity, An Introduction to Worldview Issues, Philosophical Foundations and Models of Integration†is a book written by David N. Entwistle that offers insight and awareness to the relationship between psychology and theology. Psychology and theology share a common interest in the nature and purpose of human beings. This book introduces worldview issues and a philosophical source that provides a framework of the relationship between the scienceRead MoreIntegrative Approaches Of Psychology And Christianity1331 Words  | 6 Pages4-MAT Review: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Summary Even though some people walk the same path they may see different things. Some may see things in the theological way with God’s presence everywhere they look and everything they do. Some may see it in a psychological way, always looking for the explanation of why something is the way it is. Together, theology and psychology can bring a different view and perspective that they never would have saw by themselves. Many peopleRead MoreIntegrative Approaches Of Psychology And Christianity1529 Words  | 7 PagesIn his book, â€Å"Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity,†David Entwistle (2010) provides a persuasive discourse for the assimilation of psychology and theology; secular and religious disciplines that present a â€Å"multifaceted dialogue shaped by historical interactions and tensions.†(p. 51) Of the two systems, psychology is by much of the Church thought to advocate reason over revelation whereas theology is, by more secular-leaning scholars, thought to be wanting of intellect. With TertullianRead MoreTheoretical Approaches And Theories Of Psychology1803 Words  | 8 PagesAnalyse theoretical approaches to psychology In this essay I will be looking at different approaches and theories used in psychology. The behaviourists believed that all behaviour is learned through the environment. They suggest that we learn through classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning was discovered by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov 1902. Classical conditioning suggests that all behaviour is learnt through association. Pavlov discovered this through hisRead MoreTwo Approaches In Psychology Essay2019 Words  | 9 PagesTwo Approaches In Psychology In 1900, Sigmund Freud, a neurologist living in Vienna, first published his psychoanalytic theory of personality in which the unconscious mind played a crucial role. Freud combined the then current cognitive notions of consciousness, perception and memory with ideas of biologically based instincts, to make a bold new theory of psychodynamics. Freuds theory, which forms the basis of the psychodynamic approach, represented a challenge
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What’s so Amazing About Grace Book Report Free Essays
Cameron Peterson Mr. Oswald Romans Period 4 11 January 2012 What’s So Amazing about Grace? Book Report What’s So Amazing about Grace? is a book written by Philip Yancey. It begins with a twisted story of a prostitute living on the streets. We will write a custom essay sample on What’s so Amazing About Grace Book Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now She is unable to feed her two-year old child and has to find another way to earn money. She could not think of any other alternatives and began selling her child out for prostitution. She could make much more money this way than she could in one night. The woman began counseling and when asked if she had ever considered going to church, her response was that attending church would only make her feel worse about herself. Yancey describes Earth as a place full of â€Å"ungrace†. This is a term that Yancey uses to describe the absence of grace. He goes on to talk about grace, calling it one of the last â€Å"unspoiled†words today and highlighting the lack of it among the church. Yancey says that the world is filled with ungrace and that we live in an atmosphere full of it. We are in danger of it becoming normal to us, and being desensitized to the lack of grace in the world. Yancey uses a few examples to show us what grace should be like in the world we live in. He gives an example using the movie Babette’s Feast. He shows that grace is something given with no strings attached or charge. In the movie, grace is given to those who definitely do not deserve it. In fact, these people barely know how to receive grace in the first place. Yancey also uses Jesus’ parables as examples for grace. One example he uses is the parable of the lost sheep. He explains that the shepherd shows grace to the one sheep that was lost among the other ninety-nine sheep. He points out that grace is not mathematical, and that it is not logical. Yancey tells us that this is what grace is truly about. Illogical giving with no strings attached. Yancey also talks about how grace is for everybody. He uses Jesus as an example many times. Never did Jesus tell someone that they could not be forgiven if they only came to Him. This all-extending property of grace is important to remember. Because Jesus extended grace to all, we should do the same. There are none who are not deserving or worthy of our grace. This is important for us to remember. It is true that grace does not come easy, and that it is not necessarily easy to give. Grace is not a small display of kindness; it is a sacrifice and a gift to others. Just as Jesus gave us the gift of grace by suffering and dying on the cross for us, we should be able to give gifts of grace at our own expense to others. I very much enjoyed this book and was spiritually moved by it. I agree with most of what Philip Yancey has to say about lack of grace not only in the church, but in the world also. In today’s day and age, it seems that everyone is in it for themselves. Most do not take the time of day to stop and give their grace to the needy. It helped to strengthen my view that all of deserving of grace and that we, as Christians, should be reading to give our grace to others. While I do support that idea that we need to cure the world of â€Å"ungrace†, I do not feel that we need to do this in order to earn God’s grace. This is a view that Yancey supports in the book and I do not happen to agree with it. Grace is in fact, a gift and it is not something we have to earn by giving other’s grace. By following God’s example, we should also give others this same grace God gave us, but it is not a requirement in order for us to receive His grace. Overall, I feel spiritually strengthened by this book and would encourage others to read it. While it was difficult to understand sometimes, a little wordy, I find that many would also enjoy this book. It offers a lot of insight into grace and how it can be a blessing in our lives, both by receiving it and giving it. Works Cited Yancey, Philip. What’s So Amazing about Grace?. Zondervan, 1997. How to cite What’s so Amazing About Grace Book Report, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Conference Interactive Digital Storytelling -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Conference Interactive Digital Storytelling? Answer: Introduction A performance management system (PMS) is a system that is used for measuring the performance of employees, individuals, and groups for improving the organizational effectiveness for achieving organizational goals (Becker, Huselid Ulrich, 2001). Organizations usually use either relevant or convenient data for deciding the PMS. But, it is to note that for the purpose of deciding PMS, it is important to take into accounting the relevant data instead of convenient data (Arasu, 2016). Convenient data means the data that is collected from the population members, who are available conveniently for participating in the study. On the other hand, relevant data is data, which is related to a particular situation in an organization, for which such data is required. Convenient data is the data that is generally available and does not provide with specific and appropriate information. It is not related to a particular situation or condition in an organization, which is required for making better decisions and measuring performance. Whereas, relevant data gives specific and appropriate information regarding various matters in an organization, which allows in making appropriate decisions and taking up the appropriate measures for measuring performance of employees, individuals and others (Ones, Viswesvaran Schmidt, 2017). Thus, relevant data is necessary and important for every organization and HR professionals must focus on collecting relevant data for choosing a Performance Management System as it will provide them with the appropriate data for measuring performance and for taking the appropriate decisions for the organization. In case, wrong data or inappropriate data is used by HR professionals, it can impact an organization in a negative way (Bryson, 2018). In such cases, the organizations can face the following challenges: Ineffective recruitment- HR professionals are given the responsibility of handling the hiring practices in an organization. Employees in an organization are usually hired, based on the needs and present requirements of the organization. The use of wrong data by the HRs will lead to the hiring of inappropriate and unqualified workers, which will have a negative impact on the organizations workforce. Reduced productivity- The use of wrong data by the HR professionals will make them unable to make decisions regarding the needs of the organization for employee motivation. Therefore, it will lead to lack of motivation among the employees, making unproductive, which will result in decreased production of the organization. Non-compliance- The HR department in an organization is responsible for the companys compliance with various employment and labor legislations. Use of inappropriate and wrong date will make the HR department unable to understand whether such regulations are properly employed and to take necessary decisions of implementing them, which will create a negative impact on the organization, leading to devastating consequences. Employee turnover- Use of wrong information will make the HR department unable to get information on employee morale, workplace attitudes and other data for retaining employees and to take necessary decisions for the same. This leads to employee turnover and affects a company negatively. For example, in ABC Company the HR department failed to gather correct data on the requirement of a well-defined anti-harassment policy. One of the employees was being harassed over a certain period of time by another senior employee. The Company failed, due to wrong data, failed to use an anti-harassment policy, which led the employee to file a lawsuit against the company, which resulted in affecting the company negatively. Stories have the power to create emotive responses in humans. They help in communicating and in bringing a situation to life. For HR professionals, storytelling with the use of data is an important way to motivate and influence the employees effectively. Human resources deal with human relationships in workplaces, which very complex and it is very difficult to bring down to black and white bullet points. Thus, storytelling helps to explain complicated issues to the people in an effective way as people can relate to them (Welbourne, 2015). For the purpose of storytelling, firstly, the HR collects as much data as possible about the chosen topic and then such data is cut down to numbers, which provides a clear angle to the story to be narrated. Secondly, after cutting down the data into numbers, the HR crafts such data into a story. Thirdly, after forming a story with the use of data, the HR brings the story to life by various methods which include use of multimedia like relating it to a video, an arresting images or recent newspaper headlines, or by applying collaborative analytics, which involves participation of people by adding their stories with the collective one. Fourthly, in the storytelling process the people are not told about what marketing should do, but the facts presented, empowers the people to make decisions themselves. Data is collected in large amounts and the HR cuts them down and uses simple language to narrate such data in the form of a story so that everyone can understand. Next, the HR relates the analytical story with real life human characters by making the audience imagine individual employees and by using real quotes, gathered from research (Arndt, Ervik Perkis, 2017). Lastly, the HR uses different data (even around the same topic) and varies the content, as different audiences are interested with different data, and provides real life examples, which hit the employees right between their eyes and compels them to take action. As stated earlier, relevant data is data, which provides the appropriate or specific information related to a study or research topic and helps the HR professionals in making confident and comfortable decisions. Relevant data helps in doing so as it provides with the accurate information related to the needs and requirements of an organization, based on which the HR professionals can find out the issues or the problems that the organization, employees and staff are facing and can make appropriate decisions and take up appropriate measures, by creating suitable HR initiatives, in order to remove such issues, so that the company can function in a better way and run successfully (Sekaran Bougie, 2016). Thus, it can be said that as relevant data helps in finding the exact issues in a workplace, use of the most relevant data helps the HR professionals in making decisions confidently and comfortably. For example, in a recent Harvard business study review, it was found that companies rely on relevant data usually expect better financial performance of the company. 646 executives, professionals and managers were surveyed all across the globe, which resulted in the findings that a huge number of companies have using relevant data capture and analysis into their decision making processes. References: Arasu, A., Babcock, B., Babu, S., Cieslewicz, J., Datar, M., Ito, K., ... Widom, J. (2016). Stream: The stanford data stream management system. InData Stream Management(pp. 317-336). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Arndt, S., Ervik, M., Perkis, A. (2017, November). Factors of Immersion in Interactive Digital Storytelling. InInternational Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling(pp. 265-269). Springer, Cham. Becker, B. E., Huselid, M. A., Ulrich, D. (2001).The HR scorecard: Linking people, strategy, and performance. Harvard Business Press. Bryson, J. M. (2018).Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley Sons. Ones, D. S., Viswesvaran, C., Schmidt, F. L. (2017). Realizing the full potential of psychometric meta-analysis for a cumulative science and practice of human resource management. Human Resource Management Review,27(1), 201-215. Sekaran, U., Bougie, R. (2016).Research methods for business: A skill building approach. John Wiley Sons. Welbourne, T. M. (2015). Data?Driven Storytelling: The Missing Link in HR Data Analytics.Employment Relations Today,41(4), 27-33.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
TIMELINE of the Atomic Bomb. Essay Example For Students
TIMELINE of the Atomic Bomb. Essay TIMELINE of the Atomic Bomb. Essay 1942 May Heisenberg and Dopel observe the first multiplication of neutrons. December 2 First nuclear chain reaction at Chicagos Stagg Field by Fermi. 1943 March 15 Oppenheimer moves the bomb development to Los Alamos. 1944 August 26 Bohr presents his memorandum on intentional control of nuclear weapons to Roosevelt. 1945 January 20 First Uranium-235 separated at Oak Ridge. July 16 U.S. explodes first atomic bomb, the Trinity test, at Alamogordo. August 6,9 Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (Blow) The atomic bomb gets its energy from fission (splitting) of the nuclei (core) of uranium or plutonium atoms. We will write a custom essay on TIMELINE of the Atomic Bomb. specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Albert Einstein explained how the fission of heavy atoms could produce energy released as dangerously high levels of heat and radiation. He published his theory in 1905 which is the well-known equation E = m c-squared. This states that a given mass (m), is associated with an amount of energy (E), equal to this mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light (c).(Blow) A very small amount of matter is equivalent to a vast amount of energy. For example, 1 kg of matter converted completely into energy would be equivalent to the energy released by exploding 22 megatons of TNT. The neutron is the most effective particle to cause uranium fission. Only one neutron is needed to split an atom. When the atom fissions (splits), it splits into two smaller atoms which are most always radioactive and releases an enormous amount of energy and two or three neutrons. The neutrons released could then possibly hit other nuclei of uranium, which causes them to split in the same fashion. This is a chain reaction (a series of fissions). A baseball made of plutonium produced an explosion equal to 20,000 tons of TNT. Research on atomic bombs was begun around the same time in several countries, including Germany, but in the United States, the actual building of an atomic bomb was already underway by 1942 under the code name Manhattan Project. The project was carried out in extreme secrecy using a large amount of the national budget. Words / Pages : 351 / 24 . TIMELINE of the Atomic Bomb. Essay Example For Students TIMELINE of the Atomic Bomb. Essay TIMELINE of the Atomic Bomb. Essay 1942 May Heisenberg and Dopel observe the first multiplication of neutrons. December 2 First nuclear chain reaction at Chicagos Stagg Field by Fermi. 1943 March 15 Oppenheimer moves the bomb development to Los Alamos. 1944 August 26 Bohr presents his memorandum on intentional control of nuclear weapons to Roosevelt. 1945 January 20 First Uranium-235 separated at Oak Ridge. July 16 U.S. explodes first atomic bomb, the Trinity test, at Alamogordo. August 6,9 Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (Blow) The atomic bomb gets its energy from fission (splitting) of the nuclei (core) of uranium or plutonium atoms. We will write a custom essay on TIMELINE of the Atomic Bomb. specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Albert Einstein explained how the fission of heavy atoms could produce energy released as dangerously high levels of heat and radiation. He published his theory in 1905 which is the well-known equation E = m c-squared. This states that a given mass (m), is associated with an amount of energy (E), equal to this mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light (c).(Blow) A very small amount of matter is equivalent to a vast amount of energy. For example, 1 kg of matter converted completely into energy would be equivalent to the energy released by exploding 22 megatons of TNT. The neutron is the most effective particle to cause uranium fission. Only one neutron is needed to split an atom. When the atom fissions (splits), it splits into two smaller atoms which are most always radioactive and releases an enormous amount of energy and two or three neutrons. The neutrons released could then possibly hit other nuclei of uranium, which causes them to split in the same fashion. This is a chain reaction (a series of fissions). A baseball made of plutonium produced an explosion equal to 20,000 tons of TNT. Research on atomic bombs was begun around the same time in several countries, including Germany, but in the United States, the actual building of an atomic bomb was already underway by 1942 under the code name Manhattan Project. The project was carried out in extreme secrecy using a large amount of the national budget. . TIMELINE of the Atomic Bomb. Essay Example For Students TIMELINE of the Atomic Bomb. Essay TIMELINE of the Atomic Bomb. Essay 1942 May Heisenberg and Dopel observe the first multiplication of neutrons. December 2 First nuclear chain reaction at Chicagos Stagg Field by Fermi. 1943 March 15 Oppenheimer moves the bomb development to Los Alamos. 1944 August 26 Bohr presents his memorandum on intentional control of nuclear weapons to Roosevelt. 1945 January 20 First Uranium-235 separated at Oak Ridge. July 16 U.S. explodes first atomic bomb, the Trinity test, at Alamogordo. August 6,9 Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (Blow) The atomic bomb gets its energy from fission (splitting) of the nuclei (core) of uranium or plutonium atoms. We will write a custom essay on TIMELINE of the Atomic Bomb. specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Albert Einstein explained how the fission of heavy atoms could produce energy released as dangerously high levels of heat and radiation. He published his theory in 1905 which is the well-known equation E = m c-squared. This states that a given mass (m), is associated with an amount of energy (E), equal to this mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light (c).(Blow) A very small amount of matter is equivalent to a vast amount of energy. For example, 1 kg of matter converted completely into energy would be equivalent to the energy released by exploding 22 megatons of TNT. The neutron is the most effective particle to cause uranium fission. Only one neutron is needed to split an atom. When the atom fissions (splits), it splits into two smaller atoms which are most always radioactive and releases an enormous amount of energy and two or three neutrons. The neutrons released could then possibly hit other nuclei of uranium, which causes them to split in the same fashion. This is a chain reaction (a series of fissions). A baseball made of plutonium produced an explosion equal to 20,000 tons of TNT. Research on atomic bombs was begun around the same time in several countries, including Germany, but in the United States, the actual building of an atomic bomb was already underway by 1942 under the code name ;Manhattan Project. ; The project was carried out in extreme secrecy using a large amount of the national budget. .
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Absolutism and Democracy Essays
Absolutism and Democracy Essays Absolutism and Democracy Essay Absolutism and Democracy Essay What would happen if you got two different governments going head to head, fighting to see who is better? What if those two governments were Democracy and Absolutism? In the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries, they were both used, and one was more effective; But which one? In this time period, Absolutism was the best form of government, because it was effective and worked for the people. In an Absolutism government, or a Monarchy, it was believed the Kings worked with God, and He bestowed them with the power to be King. In Document Two, King James said, â€Å"Kings are not only God’s lieutenants upon earth†¦ But even by God himself they are called gods†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This is because the people believed Kings have powers similar to God’s. Kings can create and destroy; Can judge, but are not judged; Give life or send death. The people honestly believed because of this, they worked together with God. Their teamwork with God is why Kings were accepted by the people, and why Absolutism was accepted as well. Kings used fear to gain control over the people, which is why they didn’t fight against it. Machiavelli wrote in The Prince that a prince needs to be feared by the people; Not loved and well liked. He would be incapable of being able to hold power over the people. If there wasn’t a King, then there would be no control in the government. People would be deciding everything for themselves, and it would end in disaster. The King/ Prince kept them in line, and the people didn’t revolt. â€Å"The head alone has the right to deliberate and decide, and the functions of all the other members consist only in carrying out the commands given to them†¦Ã¢â‚¬ King Louis XIV said that the King is the only person able to give the right orders, and make the right decisions. Everyone else was there to follow through on what he said. The interest of the state must come before the individual. The King was the only person capable of making sure the right decisions were made, and that the other members carried out the commands. So as you can see, Absolutism would win against Democracy in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries. It was more efficient, and worked well for them. The Kings had the power, and everyone was content with how things were set up. The people felt like this was how it ought to be, and it was. That is why Absolutism is the best form of government in this time period.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Out, Out. by Robert Frost Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Out, Out. by Robert Frost - Essay Example The title of the poem, â€Å"Out, Out,†is derived from a line in William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth: â€Å"Out, out, brief candle!†(Shakespeare, 1993, 5.5.23), spoken by Macbeth upon hearing the news of his wife’s death. Frost’s use of the phrase as his title seems to be ironic. In the play, Macbeth laments his wife’s passing and reflects that life is ultimately meaningless: â€Å"it is a tale/Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,/Signifying nothing†(Shakespeare, 1993, 5.5.26-28). But Frost does not agree that life has no meaning. He uses the poem as a way to record the boy’s existence, to show that even though his candle has been snuffed way too soon, his life was still significant. The poem begins just before the tragedy occurs, and sets the tone from the first line. Frost uses personification to describe the chainsaw as it â€Å"snarled and rattled in the yard†(1). This line foreshadows the upcoming accident, b ut it is important to note that Frost does not depict the tragedy as an accidentâ€â€he instead frames it as a deliberate act of malice on the part of the saw.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Spiritual Assessment of Mentally Retarded Patient Essay
Spiritual Assessment of Mentally Retarded Patient - Essay Example This discussion stresses that FICA serves as an imperative tool for the spiritual assessment of the patients in order to cure them from spiritual and psychological disorder. The medical advisor concentrates upon the nature, influence, community and application of the patient’s faith in order to pacify and soothe him in the light of his religious and spiritual beliefs. â€Å"The connection between spirituality and medicine†, Puchalski observes, â€Å"has been receiving a lot of attention in both the scientific and lay presses recently, but research and anecdotal evidence all indicate that spirituality is central to the care of the chronically ill and dying.†Consequently, almost all therapeutic and healthcare centers take spiritual needs of the patients into serious consideration in order to rescue them from emotional trauma on the basis of their spiritual needs.This paper discusses that Mrs. Wilson claimed to be a spiritual person, as she aptly heard the call of conscience and virtue deep in her heart; consequently, she used to offer charity and donation to the disabled persons and orphans through non-governmental and charity organizations. She endorsed the very reality that religion maintained imperative significance in her life. Since the noble teachings of St. Perpetua had left indelible imprints upon her mind, she felt great relief by studying the marvelous sacrifices made by her. She also sought support from Heavens to get cured immediately, which revealed her strong belief in her Creator.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Pestel Framework Categorizes Environmental Influences Commerce Essay
The Pestel Framework Categorizes Environmental Influences Commerce Essay The PESTEL framework categorizes environmental influences into six main forms: political, economic, social technological environmental and legal. Where by the politics highlight the role of government; economic refers to macroeconomic factor such as exchange rates, and discrepancy economic growth rates around the world; social influences include changing culture and demographics; technological such as internet; environmental issues such as pollution and waste; and finally legal embraces legislative constraints. The Western European brewing industry is highly penetrated; The PESTEL framework can be used to help identify the key forces that are driving the change in the market. Political Factors might be the dynamic operation of European government against drunken driving, binge drinking, and consequently long term health and fitness problems. These campaigns have the potential to push for law changes surrounding what alcohol can be bought in restaurants, pubs, bars and retail outlets. Decrease in the consumption of beer in Europe as many traditional key markets have increased awareness of the social problems associated with alcohol drinking. Economic Economic recession in 2009 has also lead to an effect on beer sales mainly in the United Kingdom where an estimate of 50 pubs closed per week due to downturn. Beer consumption per capita varies broadly among countries, for example being four times higher in Germany than in Italy. Example in table 1 comparing year 1980 to 2000 the consumption of beer has increased from 3534000 hectoliters to 6453000 hectoliters which is approximately 82.60%. Social Lifestyle in emerging market has changed due to the increase in the availability of disposable income, leading to an increase in beer consumption. The new trends like wines, non alcoholic beers, extra cold lagers and fruit flavored beers will adversely affect the consumption of beers. Education and health; there is an increasing awareness of the effect of alcohol on health and fitness. Particularly in the United Kingdom there is increasing hostility to so called binge drinking excessive alcohol consumption in pubs and clubs. Technological Rate of technological change; as seen in the Anheuser Busch InBev (Belgium) company that efficient advantages will come from more central management of purchasing, together with media and IT from the optimization of its hereditary network of breweries and from the distribution of finest practices across sites internationally. Innovation of new products; the case witnesses that the introduction of higher priced premium products such as non alcoholic beers, extra cold lagers or fruit flavored beers has led to increase in sales. Environmental Pollution; population are getting more and more alert of the environment and it is essential that the companies do everything to avoid environmental pollution. It is important that the environmental load through the brewing development is as low as possible. Waste and recycling; reusability and recycling is significant, the brewing industry for instance treats their effluents so that they can use it again for irrigation. Through this they save power and lessen sludge disposal. Legal International law; when comparing Europe with the United States we have witnessed that in America it is prohibited to drink in public places comparing to Europe where one can drink alcohol wherever they want. This could lead to new laws that restrict drinking in the public places. Acquisition, licensing and strategic alliance have all take place as an important brewers conflict to control the market. For example in 2004, Belgian brewery Interbrew merged with Am Bev, the Brazilian brewer group to create the largest brewer in the world. A five forces analysis The five forces study was originally developed by Michael Porter in 1990, as a way of assessing the attractiveness of different industries or sectors in terms of competitive forces. The five forces constitute an industrys structure, although initially developed with businesses in mind the industry structure analysis with the five forces framework is of value to most of the organizations. As well as assessing the attractiveness of the brewing industry the five forces can assist set an agenda for action on the range of areas that they identify. The five forces are: Threat of new entrants Threat of substitutes Bargaining power of buyers Bargaining power of suppliers Competitive rivalry POTENTIAL ENTRANTS COMPETITIVE RIVALRY Threat of entry Threat of substitutes Bargaining power Bargaining power SUPPLIERS BUYERS SUBSTITUTES FIG 1 THE FIVE FORCES FRAMEWORK Threat of substitutes The threat of substitute is high because there is an availability of wine, fruit flavored beer and also extra cold lagers. From table 1 and 2 in the case study we can witness the negative effect of the substitute on beer; taking an example of Denmark table 1 shows a decline in the beer consumption and in table 2 shows increase in the importation of exotic beers from overseas. Threat of new entrants Threat of entry depends on the degree and height of barriers to entry; barriers of entry are factors that need to be defeated by new entrants if they are to battle effectively. According to the case the threat of new entrants is very low because the industry is highly penetrated and mergers taking place, also there are global pressures for consolidation which sustain their competitive position in the industry. There are very few big brewery companies which makes them dominate the market, so for a new entrant would be hard to have that financial effort. Bargaining power of buyers Customers of course are necessary for the survival of any business, but sometimes consumers can have such high bargaining power that their suppliers barely make any profits. The bargaining authority is high due to the supervision campaign strongly against drunken driving, and binge drinking which has led to an increase in off trade (retail) than on trade (beer consumption in pubs or restaurant). The off trade is increasingly more conquered by big supermarket chains such as Tesco and Carrefour which gives them the bargaining power. Bargaining power of suppliers Suppliers are those who supply the organization with what it needs to produce the product or service. The main purchasing costs are wrapping, raw material such as barley and power. The case shows that the bargaining power of supplier in packaging is high due to the availability of only three can makers and shifting cost from one can maker to the other could be high either in terms of money or even technology. Competitive rivalry Competitive rivalry is are businesses with same products and services aimed at the same customer group. The competitive rivalry in the brewing industry is very high because almost all companies have the same product/ product differentiation is low, high rate of acquisitions, alliances and strategic alliance and also consolidation due to over capacity within the industry. Conclusion With regard to the PESTEL analysis and the Porters five forces analysis I conclude that in order to sustain the competitive position and market share in the brewing industry, one should acquire, license or strategic alliance with an existing company could be small, medium or already a large company. Question 2 Anheuser-Busch InBev [Belgium] A-B InBev is the largest brewer in the world; it achieved this position when InBev acquired the leading American brewer Anheuser Busch for 52bn. The company now has nearly 300 brands and approximate 50% share of the US market and owns 50% of Mexicos leading brewers. The company is frank about the approach to renovate itself from the biggest brewing company to the best. STRENGTH WEAKNESS Largest brewer in the world Inherited network of breweries Strong financial power The merger of Belgian Interbrew and Brazilian Am Bev in 2004 The companys strategy to transform itself from the biggest to the best by: Building strong global brands Increase competence through more central management of purchasing including median and IT. Greene King [United Kingdom] Greene King is now the largest domestic British brewer, which was established in 1799. It has expanded through a series of acquisition including Ruddles [1995], Morland [1999] and Hardys and Hansons [2006]. STRENGTH WEAKNESS Brew high quality beer from an efficient single site. Medium size brewing company Focused brand portfolio which is minimizing the complexity and cost of a multi brand strategy. Less financial power 2000 pubs across the UK with a particular dominant position in its home region of East Anglia. Expansion through acquisition, which led to critics calling the company greedy king. Tsingtao [China] Tsingtao brewery was found in 1903 by German settlers in China, after state ownership under communism Tsingtao was privatized in the early 1990s and listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange in 1993. Tsingtao has 13% market share of its home country, the company has described its ambition thus; to promote the continuous growth of the sales volume and income to step forward the target of becoming an international great company. STRENGTH WEAKNESS It is the Chinese brand leader in United States Small brewing company Its now sold in more than 62 countries. Less financial power Almost 50% of exports Home market share is very low {13%} A bottle of Tsingtao appeared in the 1982 science fiction film blade Ronner. REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBILIOGRAPHY Fundamentals of strategy (CH 2) By: Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes and Richard Whittington Lecture slides (LE 45) REFERENCE www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/74880013?width=360 www.studymode.com www.writemypapers.org Question1 Strategic capabilities refer to the adequacy and suitability of the resources and competences of an organization for it to survive and prosper. The framework used to analyze the strategic capabilities is the VRIO framework; the acronym stands for four questions that need answering to determine the competitive potential of an organizations resources or capabilities: the question of Value, Rarity, Inimitability [easy/difficult to imitate] and Organization [ability to exploit the resources]. Dysons has value because of being distinctive from the customer; the distinctive factor is built upon the innovative products like bag less vacuum cleaners to energy efficient and time efficient hand dryers for public places to desk fan with no blades. Dysons believes in patent to protect its differentiated but that doesnt mean competitors dont try to imitate, within Dysons vacuums there is patented Ball technology for improved maneuverability. Dysons products are rare because even after the competitors trying to imitate the vacuum cleaners they arent able to make an exact copy of it. Example the Dysons vacuum and Hoover USA; Dysons colors are usually bright and it does launch exclusive editions based on novel colors while Hoover USA wind tunnel vacuums are available in fresh colors. The inimitability in Dysons is very difficult because it believes that the combination of design engineering and manufacturing is crucial in developing the most inimitable competences which could be protected through patents. The business is organized to fully exploit its competitive advantage; like in their UK headquarter access to the building and then subsequent area is via thumb print and even then some areas are out of bounds. They have even developed their own sound absorbing panels to ensure that conversations can be kept serious. Question 2 Competitors, especially in this area could imitate several capabilities of the Dysons company are: Technology and design [color, durability, and packaging]: Dysons follow a superior design result; in order to provide legitimate competition for Dyson, the competitors will have to hire superior engineer designers and also focus much on innovation. Cost efficiency: its possible for competitors to copy the relocation strategy; by moving the manufacturing plant to a cheap labor country like china rather than producing in home country with high cost. By adopting the cost efficient strategy the completion would increase because competitors like Miele and Excel Dryer Corporation will be having a competitive price as Dyson. Product features: Competitors are already trying to imitate these products with the USA wind tunnel vacuums and Mjele swivel head vacuums; however, the patent Dysons has placed on their products prevents other companies from outright stealing their ideas. Question 3 Threshold capabilities are capabilities needed for businesses to meet the basic necessities to compete in a given market. These could be threshold resources required to meet minimum requirements of its customers and threshold competences required to deploy resources so as to meet customers requirements and support particular strategies. The distinctive capabilities which may overtime become a threshold capability are: Engineering design is like an identity of Dysons products and which makes them distinctive in the market. With time engineering design which is currently a distinctive capability could become one of the most necessary capabilities in order to survive in the market. The existence of Dyson in the market is due to the strength of innovative high quality design and engineering of their products which is due to having highly specialized engineers and the updated technology. It is a product engineering that takes centre stage on the company website and generally in all company communication. Low cost manufacturing; currently it gives James Dyson a distinctive capability and a high profit margin but with time as the competition is increasing low manufacturing cost will become a threshold capability in order to survive in the market. Innovation; the company is obvious in its desires to promote the idea that a Dyson product means new, different, and a radical change; a Dyson product whether vacuum or washing machine is an innovation that the bright colors help these clever product stand out from the crowd. It is witnessed in the case that Dyson has been the starting point of the product and then follows the competitors; due to the quality and differentiated factor the consumers are ready to buy Dysons products at a high price. One main factor which is maintaining Dysons primary conceit is the improvement of a design which will clearly be threshold capability overtime. Question 4 With regard to answers to question 1 and 2, Sir James Dyson seems to be very serious with the companys future. The strategic capabilities are maintained strongly and those capabilities which a competitor could imitate are not easily given a chance, the competitor has to really put in effort to try imitating Sir James Dysons products. The effect of completely leaving or selling the company will be much more on the negative side because mainly the customers who value his innovation wont get the innovative products anymore and even if they it do it wont be Sir James Dysons standard. It is witnessed in the case that Though by 2010 the company was run by CEO Martin McCourt, James Dysons own image and personal brand remained central to the firms promotion. Due to that may be the there could be a decline in the customer base which could directly or indirectly affect all parts of the company; finance, sales, marketing and also production. And the decline in production could affect the china market also because it is said that contracts like Dysons help pull china up the manufacturing value chain too towards ever more complex products of the highest quality. REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY Fundamentals of strategy (CH 3) By: Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes and Richard Whittington Lecture slides (LE 6) REFERNCE www.antiessays.com/free-essays/128170.html www.antiessays.com/free-essays/172844.html www.writemypapers.org www.studymode.com Question 1 John Howie has pursued changes in many parts of Faslane, some of the changes are: Change in management structure; as it is witnessed in the case study that there was a management structure which wasnt right to deliver change. There were seven layers in it and now [2006] its down to a maximum of four layers. In the process of change in the management structure there was also reappointment of jobs. Changing in mindset; it is believed that a big opportunity might come from changing the mindset, to see their job as to deliver with the possible minimum spend. They believing in changing the mindset because the public sector manager whos got wide ranging responsibilities and a fairly large budget has no incentives to reduce cost and dont share any benefits and were brought up in a system where if the budget hadnt spent this year, it would be cut next year. Another change pursued by Faslane was the change in management system from infrastructure focus to naval focus. The commodore in charge saw partnering as an opportunity to better manage the people, but in the management team there were a mix of people who believed and were willing to give partnering or people who were likely to be personally disadvantaged by partnering and were less supportive. Also cost reduction is one the change pursued by Faslane, as it is witnessed in the case that by 2000 the MOD had decided to significantly reduce the cost and improve operational effectiveness of their naval bases. And in 2002 they signed a contract of cost affecting without affecting the service provided to the navy. Question 2 Change can be managed using different styles; clear direction may be vital to motivate a desire or create readiness to change; participation or intervention can help in gaining wider commitment across the organization and develop capabilities to identify blockages to change. The managing styles used in the case of Managing change at Faslane are as follows: Direction or coercion managing style; by definition direction managing style means making use of private managerial authority to establish a clear future strategy and how will the change occur. As it is witnessed in the case that we asked other companies which had been through large scale changes, what we should learn from what you did? And the answer was implementing the management structural changes. The change in the management structure was influenced from other companies which gave Faslane an advantage and  £14 million in the first year against the target of  £3 million. Participation or collaborative managing style; is mainly concerned with the contribution of those who will be affected by the change agenda. As seen in the case where it says that there was a process that required any change to be documented and passed through a series of review points. At each stage of the process people were given 14 days to review it but everybody looked at it on the thirteenth day so a total of 56 days process. By removing those stages people are free from the bureaucratic burden and instead of 56 days they are only given 14 days to review it. Performance scorecard; it is another change brought in by Craig Lockhart it was intended to measure the outputs and let the business system transparent. Everyone down to team leaders had become acutely aware that business performance is not something to be hidden, however it mainly didnt aim at measurement but also the business plan had been top-down. Question 3 Levers for managing change need to be considered in terms of the type of change and context of change. Such levers include changing operational processes and routines, the importance of political processes and other change tactics. The levers of changes used and others which could be used are: Changing operational process and routines; strategies are always delivered through day to day processes and routines of the operations of the organization. There is therefore a need for planning operational change: the identification of key changes in the routines of the organization. In effect strategic change needs to be considered in terms of the re-engineering of organizational process. This lever of change is used in the case and witnessed where it explains an example of the process that required any change to be documented; now that 56 days process is 6 days, a simple example of process of re engineering. Power and political processes; there is a need to consider the management of strategic change within this political context and also the stakeholder relationships in and around the organization. As seen in the case firstly it is important to understand who you need to have as allies such as the naval base commander. Above that the wider stakeholders like the commanding officers of the ships and submarines, security and also the local community are to be looked at. Question 4 The change brought in by Craig Lockhart and John Howie has been very much effective in terms of savings, service. Their target was achieved over 20% reduction in annual running costs, by the end of year 10 they are expecting a saving of  £280 million which is 38.2%. The navys view was that the service they received was better; the attitude, communication and responsiveness towards the navy were also better. So by making a few changes they brought about cost reduction and service improvement. The changes made in the management structure [from seven layers to four layers] have made them reappoint all the jobs, and the implementation has positively affected the cost by a saving of  £4milion in the first year against a target of  £3 million. Faslanes change in the measuring of outputs through performance scorecard has made the business system transparent. Everyone down to team leaders has become acutely aware that business performance is not something to be hidden. The changes led Craig to announce that in April 2010 Faslane would become the home base, not just for nuclear submarines but for the whole UK submarine fleet. This change is expected to create more jobs and the expansion of Faslane which will fulfill the need of the unemployed; the ways used to work together and bring about effective change within Faslane worked luminously. REFERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY Fundamentals of strategy (CH 10) By: Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes and Richard Whittington Lecture slides (LE 12) REFERNCE www.writemypapers.org REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRABY BIBLIOGRAPHY Fundamentals of strategy (CH 2,3 10) By: Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes and Richard Whittington Lecture slides (LE 4,5,6 12)
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Nick Swinmurn
Culture and diversity of a company is extremely important and will determine the success of a business. Deciding what culture Is best for a company Is challenging. A lot of focus should be on what type of leader Is most appropriate for the organization. Implementing strong values will strengthen the company. The way company's adapts to change will also affect the way a company will prosper during challenging times. Founded by Nick Swimming In 1999 Capos Company is a solely web based retailer. Nick decided he wanted to create a company after he spent hours searching the entire mall for a pair of shoes and could not find them.He then attempted to find the shoes on line and realized there was not a website specific to shoes. After his experience he decided there was a market for this type of industry. Originally Capos was created to be an online store that offered the widest selections of shoes available all in one place. Since, the company has evolved over time and now is selling a gre at selection of Items rather than Just shoes. They have boarded their selections to both women and men's clothing along with everyday household Items. They provide free quick shipping and returns.The overall goal is to â€Å"provide the absolute best service online-not just in shoes, but in any category (Capos, 1999-2014). The Culture of Capos Capos has created a very unique and valuable culture. They have implemented what Is called the â€Å"Capos Family Corey Values†that sets the foundation of the entire company. These core values are listed on their company's website and are recommended for employees to follow on a day to day base. They believe that employees can be motivated, involved and happy to come to work while providing excellent service to customers.Capos creates a clear line of communication, encouraging employees and constantly motivating them. They want their employees to be innovated, creative and â€Å"do more with less†(Capos, 1999-2014). Most impor tantly they want their employees to ‘WOW through customer service. This provides an environment that makes employees want to work. They take time to focus on each employee ensuring they are put Into the right position and properly trained for success. Capos believes this will lead to employee longevity and growing leaders for the future.Their hard work does not go unnoticed and for the past 6 years Capos has been named in the as one of the FORTUNE's 100 Best Companies to Work (Capos, 1999-2014) A random act of kindness weekly parade is the norm at Capos. This Includes selecting 3 random employees each week, dressing them up in funky hats and/or props, taking their photo and Glenn them gift. This falls under ones of their core values creating fun and a little weirdness. Yelling spontaneously at other employees for fun or trying to make one another laugh also emphasizes the core value.There are four main types of organizational cultures. They include hierarchal, market driven, c lan, and adaptable/flexible culture. Capos organizational culture only one type of organizational culture. Capos falls under two categories, the clan culture and adaptable/flexible culture (William, 2013). Clan culture represents a family-type organization (Savory, 2013). This culture involves building strong relationships and development of employees through training. Clan culture employees collaborate with coworkers and are caring for each other.Two of Capos core values include building open and honest relationships with communications and creating positive teams and family spirit (Capos, 1999- 2014). Capos is willing to change and adapt. This is why the company also follows under adaptable/flexible organizational culture. The adaptable/flexible culture involves creating new ideas and preparing for future improvements, which is something Capos practices (Savory, 2013). The company has already determined that in the future 30% of all venders/seller transactions will be mad online w ithin the United States.Their vision is to be the company that offers the best service and the largest selections, thus resulting in most customers' purchases coming from their website (Capos, 1999-2014). Capos is constantly changing and always looking for the newest, most retrieve solutions to solve any issues. Capos embodies these particular culture behaviors because the CEO, Tony Whish, honestly believes this is the best way to run a company. He treats his employees like family. He personally believes in the values and culture of the company.Tony wants his employees to be happy and truly believes this is return will transfer to customers. Capos values and culture is not only the guidelines for the company but overall should be guidelines they follow in life (capos, 1999-2014). The best suited leader for Capos Company is a twenty-first-century leader. This errors should be able to adapt to both Transformational and transactional leadership styles. A transformational and transactio nal leader will require someone who and foresee a vision and have the motivation to accomplish.This type of person requires creativity and innovation skill with the ability to make decisions. The type of leadership this person should have is supportive leadership style. They should be approachable and friendly and a allow employees feel equal around them. It will be important to provide a friendly atmosphere where employees feel comfortable to be open and trusting with their leader. Given that Capos sales multiple categories of items, they are not at a high risk for a large demand to decline.If some of the company's category items do decline, Capos has the option to sell different items that are currently in demands. Since the company is still growing there are more markets that Capos can branch out to widen their options if needed. They have recently connect forces with Amazon and this had open a lot more doors and customers (Capos, 1999-2014). As for now, shoes are extremely impor tant to people and fashion. It does not appear that Capos is at a high risk for a large decline in demand for their products.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Healthcare Consent legislation Essay
Healthcare Consent legislation applies to everyone above the age of 18 (some places 16) and has the following rights (Ref 1) 1)The right to give or refuse consent 2)The right to choose a particular form of healthcare on any grounds including moral or religious grounds 3)The right to revoke consent 4)The right to expect that a decision to give, refuse or revoke consent will be respected 5) The right to be involved to the greatest degree possible in all case planning and decision making Mostly all nursing actions are an invasion of a person’s privacy and giving consent is carried out by going into the hospital or being treated at home. So one can say that consent is based on the principle of respect for a fellow human being. (Ref 1,2) This legislation tells me that all patients and clients have a right to receive information about their condition. As a nurse I should be sensitive to their needs and respect the wishes of those who refuse or are unable to receive such information. (Ref 1,2) For instance, there may be a language barrier and I should not just go about reading the consent form in English, rather I should arrange for a interpreter or find a nurse who speaks the clients language. I also respect their decision of autonomy-their decision to accept or decline any health intervention even if a refusal means loss of life, example Jehovah s witness refusing blood transfusion. The client will now have alternate options given by the Health Care Providers. Informed consent is obtained by a legally competent person, who voluntarily accepts or declines the consent after being informed of the treatment including side effects, adverse effects.(Ref 1,2) Many people are frightened by unfamiliar medical procedures and interventions and may thus want to back off from any treatment. This decision should be respected, and the client should not be forced into taking any of these medication or treatment. Rather the nurse can educate them to the best of her education and training if the client wants to know about it. Historically dating back to 1914, it was Justice Cardoza who changed the concept of research ethics involving human beings. The foundation of modern day informed consent is based on his statement â€Å"Every human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what should be done with his (or her) own body.†(3) There were many historical events that lead to present day consent acts. Some of them were as follows (ref #3) 1) Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in Black Men (1932-1973) 2) The Nuremberg Code as a result of the Nazi Medical Experiment during World War II (1947) 3) The Thalidomide experiment that resulted in birth defects (1950) 4) The declaration of Helsinki (1964) I feel these events all had a big role in shaping modern day HCCA and Consent legislature.Previously, a simple consent question would be â€Å"did the patient agree to surgery?†(Ref 2), which now has evolved into â€Å"Did the physician provide the patient with adequate amount of information for the patient to consent?†This newer version of the legislation allows the nurse to participate in proper advocacy so as to promote patient autonomy in self-determination. Initially informed consent meant saying â€Å"YES†to any treatment or intervention laid out by the physician and advocated by a nurse (Ref 1). Now informed consent means being able to say â€Å"NO†and this in itself is a part of exercising ones autonomy.(Ref2)Nurses should practice with the knowledge that clients must consent to be touched ,to have treatments administered , to undergo surgery, for bathing, positioning, taking vital signs, physical assessment ,changing dressings, venipuncture,wo und irrigation, catheter insertion just to name a few. If a patient or client is not capable of giving consent then besides the HCCA (1996) Ontario does have the Substitute Decision Act(1992) SDA . This act allows a substitute decision maker –a spouse, a relative, a parent and in the absence of these someone can be appointed by legal authority if the patient has not indicated otherwise. In emergencies where the priority is preservation of life, a nurse or HCP can provide care to the patient or client without their consent if they are incapacitated, provided it is demonstrated that this action was carried out in the best interest of the patient or client.(Ref 1) In conclusion, I can say that nurses are patient advocates and an essential member of the healthcare team contributing meaningfully to the informed consent process. There are many barriers to the HCCA especially in terms of informed consent, but the well informed and knowledgeable nurse is competent enough to have a thorough understanding of her clients’ needs. She being the clients best advocate will implement the informed consent procedure so as to maintain the clients’ autonomousity so that he or she can maintain their self-determination. This legislation has allowed nurses to be accountable for the best interest of the client and carry out their role as a client advocate.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
William Faulkners A Rose for Emily A Southern Heritage Reflection - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1085 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/04/15 Category Literature Essay Level High school Topics: A Rose For Emily Essay Did you like this example? In William Faulkners short story, A Rose for Emily, the reader acknowledges the rude reality of Emily Griersons inability to be receptive of a new, dynamic and ever-changing world. Emily is not only lonely but also a mysterious lady, who lives in a large, post-civil war era home with her father. William Faulkner narrates this old and lonely ladys story, precisely explicating how she remains stuck in her own timeframe. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "William Faulkners A Rose for Emily: A Southern Heritage Reflection" essay for you Create order Although her autocratic father died over thirty years earlier, Emily remains rigid and still holds onto her the way she lived her life before her fathers demise. According to Perry, Emilys house, formerly luxurious white with scrolled balconies, has is now an excellent example of the most ghastly looking abode on the once most revered square in the town. Encroached with decay and dust, the house has left people in her city gossiping about her while at the same time pitying her lost soul. Perhaps due to loneliness and desperation, she soon gets in a romantic affair with Homer Barron, a young bachelor who works in a construction corporation paving footways on Emilys city streets, Jefferson. The more the townspeople see them taking rides together, the more they talk and sympathize with her. In a dramatic twist of events, Emilys public appearances with Homer lessen. One day Miss Emily is seen acquiring poison from a drug market. A Rose for Emily is fundamentally a tale of old versus new and tradition versus non-tradition. Faulkner brings these aspects into the limelight through the storys main characters, Miss Emily and Homer. Right from the exposition of the text, it is clear that the story revolves around old versus new. Emily Grierson signifies the Old South. This essay will consequently discuss the cultural and historical significance of her character while drawing its examples from the traditional southern heritage. Faulkner successfully creates a gloomy tone of A Rose for Emily particularly at the beginning of this epic tale chronicling the requiem of Miss Emily. With the storys progression, the author takes the readers through distinctive moments in Miss Emilys life, explicitly detailing how she was lost her own world as everything around her kept moving forward. Faulkner additionally employs foreshadowing, narrator point of view, and the southern gothic writing technique, to aid the reader form a visualization of Miss Emily, as well as the town. According to Rodgers, these elements also give the reader an insight into her environment a clear glimpse of her sanity. Faulkners application of the southern gothic writing method is significant in the understanding of A Rose for Emily, as it helps the reader develop a mental depiction of the main character, Miss Emily. For instance, the town administration commissioned their envoys to discuss the levies that were owed, the author describes her as bloated, like a body long submerged in motionless water (2182). A depiction such as this presents the reader with the impression that Miss Emily is not well. His witty elucidation that she seemed bloated accomplishes his desired effect on the anthologys reader to attest how disgusting she emerged. This photographic representation, merged with the Faulkners dismal portrayal of the parlor (2182), creates in the reader the image of death. Moreover, the reader gets the feeling of being in an interment parlor. This is crucial as it helps to reinforce Faulkners narrative and depiction of Miss Emily.. A significant theme in A Rose for Emily, is the deterioration of the Old South, which connects to the southern cultural values and economic structure before the eruption of the Civil War (Beyer 34). In the prewar South, society consisted of slaves, tenant farmers, merchants, and the landed nobility. Throughout this time, aristocrats abided by the southern codes of honor. While men took up their positions as providers and protectors, women had to keep the highest levels of morality. The Griersons in A Rose for Emily, belong to the landed gentry class. They exhibit the superiority complex and arrogance that befits their status (Perry, 161). Emilys father, for example, clearly displays this stance by deeming no local suitor deserves his daughter as a wife. Emily too displays the same attitude, shunning society from her life even long after her fathers death. Miss Emilys reaction toward her tax obligations, association with the townspeople, and her understanding of death are explicit examples that she is stuck in the past although the south has embraced modernism. With the passing and retiring from civil service of older generation members, the younger generation expects Emily to pay taxes to the local government as there was no written rule exempted her from doing so. She responds that Colonel Sartoris clarified to her that she did not owe any tax to Jefferson. Although Sartoris died ten years ago, she still clings to what she believes Colonel had given his word, and according to the traditional view, his word knew no death. It is the past pitted against the present-the past with its social decorum, the present with everything set down in the books ( Rodgers, 121). With this, she passes as an excellent representation of a superb keeper of the southern customs and traditions. Despite the modern industrialization characterized by large-sca le crop production, motorized vehicles, and the construction of the railroad, Emily remains stuck in the old south, rigidly holding onto the old social values and oblivious of the fact that modernity had grossly decreased the power and influence of the landed gentry. In conclusion, William Faulkner just like other Southern Gothic novelists concentrated on portraying southern experience and history in the United States particularly in the periods following the Civil War. They employed grotesque imagery, themes, and symbolism. Faulkner uses all these in A Rose for Emily to highlight the texts primary concern, traditions versus change. His portrayal of Emily brings into sharp focus the struggles the old south conservatives went through in their efforts to preserve their cultural values amidst widespread modernization and industrialization. William Faulkner ultimately shows that failure to acknowledge change leads to peril as Emily, the epitome of tradition remains lonely throughout her life, incapable of even accepting the death of her father. She presents those who would not abandon the customs whose time had passed and this subjects them to dire consequences. Her rigidity finally leads to her death as she kills the handsome Northerner Homer, and l ater, submits a tremendous deal of condemnation and succumbs. By her murdering homer she endorses the fact that the conservatives could do anything to ensure they do not acknowledge industrialization, represented by Homer.
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