Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Sexuality Of Social Stigma - 770 Words
One young man from Michigan states that, â€Å"My stepfather caught me watching the show once, and treated me like I was mentally ill (thankfully, he s mentioned it to no one else)†¦ I m still afraid of social stigma for being public about my appreciation for the show.†Bussey and Bandura would suggest that this is a standard practice for fathers reacting more negatively to their son’s gender infractions. For many people, it is hard to see men occupy a feminized space and still see them as masculine. After discovering the Brony fandom, many people have questions regarding the sexuality of the fandom such as the following Yahoo Answers post from a concerned parent of a fan: Well I just created my account, so I can ask this. Yesterday I came home from work early, and I walked up to my 15 year old sons [sic] room. When I opened it, I saw him with headphones watching My little pony. He didn t notice me, so I just acted like nothing happened. Could he be gay, or just likes the show? Update: Please explain what a brony is. Are they a gay group of men? Or sonthing [sic] else? Learning that his adolescent son is watching a cartoon about ponies, this parent draws the conclusion that his child is gay. His assumptions demonstrate how members of society regard masculine space because enjoying ponies relegates young men into an effeminate position. Thankfully, there are number of people who answer his question by explaining the fandom to him. Questions of sexuality are the largestShow MoreRelatedGeorge Chauncey s Gay New York Essay1512 Words  | 7 Pagesdominant heterosexual culture often misinterprets the heterosexual subculture. He also talks about the assumptions the dominant culture carries about sexuality and culture. I believe there are two reasons the dominant culture misinterprets and make assumptions about the homosexual community; these two reasons consist of religious beliefs and social stigma of the dominant culture towards the subculture. 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